How will I feel when I quit smoking weed? Will my lungs heal if I quit smoking weed?

Whether you like it or not, any kind of smoke inhaled is dangerous to the lungs and may pose health risks, lung cancer as one of the most prevalent. Smoke may simply come from everyday pollution, smoking cigarettes, inhaling harmful and toxic fumes, and yes even smoking weed. For some who smoke weed, this a fact that they seem to set aside thinking that it may not be as dangerous as the smoke that accumulate in the lungs from smoking cigarettes and the effects of everyday air pollution. This makes for them difficult to quit smoking weed.

Studies show though, that cannabis smokers are likely to develop risks of lung diseases as other smokers. The damage of smoking weed to the lungs depends on two things: the number of years of smoking and the frequency of the smoke in a daily basis just the same as any other smoking habit that directly hits the lungs. Many toxins in marijuana smoke have been found to be damaging to the lungs. In fact, one study even showed that there might be more toxins found in marijuana smoke than in cigarette smoke. This has prompted medical experts to look into the dangers of weed smoke to the lungs that should alarm smokers to quit smoking weed.

Just like cigarettes, quitting weed smoking will do a great deal in helping the lungs heal themselves naturally from the damaging effects of weed over the years. Breathing is one of the most obvious effects that quitting benefits. Years of smoking weed have impaired a person’s capability to inhale and exhale normally that a noticeable heavy and difficult breathing is observed especially on people who have been smoking weed for years. After 12 hours of quitting weed smoke, levels of harmful toxins in the blood such as carbon monoxide will drop, making blood oxygen return to normal. because oxygen levels have returned to almost normal, a more relaxed breathing will be felt, coughing with phlegm will decrease and in a few months, the lungs will start to heal themselves by regrowing vital parts such as the cilia, bronchial tubes and alveoli making the lungs cleaner, lighter, healthier and stronger in fighting off infections.

With the lungs now stronger and healthier after deciding to quit smoking weed, the risk of cancer and cardio-vascular diseases will significantly decrease. The lungs function in the distribution to the different organs of the body of the oxygen that we inhale. They provide the breath of our lives. With years of smoking weed, this function has been severely affected making our bodies vulnerable to so many health risks. The good news is, it only takes one focused and determined mind to quit smoking weed to help the lungs regenerate, heal, and repair the damage caused by this habit. Yes, this vital pair of organs has a huge capacity for healing. The time bomb is ticking though. The more that healing is delayed, that more that we decrease its function, thus causing us a shortened lifespan associated with being sickly, unhealthy, and unhappy.