Best things detox will do to help me quit smoking weed as a heavy smoker

The effects of smoking marijuana lasts only for an hour or two, depending on the amount that the user took. However, even though the effect wears off, metabolites of marijuana still remain. Chemical remnants of the weed are still present and can be detected in your body.

If you are looking for ways to flush these out of your body, detoxification is the best thing to do. This helps to flush out the marijuana out of your system. The toxins which you accumulated from taking up the plant will also be eliminated. Detox will be beneficial to you, especially if you want to quit the habit. Aside from cleansing your body from, it also helps a recovering user to quit smoking weed and lessen any withdrawal symptoms that might appear after.

So, what exactly are the benefits of detox? How does it helps people who want to quit smoking weed?

Detox is a process used to help people gradually eradicate a substance, such as marijuana from their system. It helps lessen the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms that might occur as a result of quitting. The chemicals from weed which linger in the body even after a person has quit are called cannabinoids.

These metabolites are byproducts of a processed substance in one’s body and are stored in the body’s fats. For marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the cannabinoid responsible for most of its addictive and psychological effects. This is what gets you high. In addition, THC processes to tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) in order to get metabolized. This is what needs to be flushed out of your system.

This is great for people who have already had several attempts to quit marijuana but were unable to successfully do so. Quitting marijuana is easier said than done. This includes uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms which can become difficult deal to with without professional help. As mentioned earlier, detox lessens the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. There’s also such an alternative referred to as a medical detox. Through this, you will be provided with a safe environment where you won’t be exposed to any weed or anything that might trigger a relapse. If you undergo a medical detox program, you will find more success and be able to quit smoking weed whilst feeling safe.

A medical detox that is guided by a professional also lessens the possibility of a mental disorder co-occur with marijuana addiction. Some people use marijuana for medical purposes. It sets the groundwork to treat both addiction and the co-occurring disorder. If you’re doing a medical detox provided by rehabilitation centers, you will be prescribed certain medication which are meant to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. However, in many cases, recovering users are able to successfully detoxify on their own.

The process of detoxification is not easy. You will experience this the first few days or even weeks after getting sober. This is the hardest part of the journey, but it isn’t impossible to overcome. Just stay focused on what you want and why you want it.