How long does it take to quit smoking weed? How many days, weeks, months and years?

Marijuana dependence is all in the mind. The mind is the master of emotions and if you’re determined and eager enough to conquer stop marijuana addiction, then you can and you will!

The withdrawal symptoms are caused by nicotine permeability in your system so as long as the nicotine resides in your body, then you will experience and will likely to suffer from withdrawal symptoms for a certain length of time up until all the traces of nicotine are flushed away from your system.

Detoxifying your body is the best weapon against withdrawal symptoms but even the best detoxifiers take time to be able to expel all the nicotine that were hoarded into your body during your marijuana smoking periods. And even then, the speed of detoxification varies from one person to another depending on the length and severity of dependency.

How long does Marijuana Dwell on your System?

Depending on the test performed, the length of time that marijuana dwells in our system may be affected by THC level or tetrahydrocannabinol and frequency of usage. Meaning, the more potent its THC ingredient, the more time it will take to release all traces of nicotine in the body.

In urine tests, marijuana may linger on your body up to 7 days if you smoked once or twice, 7 to 30 days for occasional smokers and 30 to 60 days for heavy users.

As for hair follicle marijuana examination, if you’ve tried smoking marijuana once or twice, then by the end of 7 days period, it is nearly undetected but if you’re an occasional user, it is detectable up 90 days and for heavy smokers, it will linger on your body from 90 to 180 days. So if you’re going to undergo drug examination, then you better start quitting marijuana now.

When should I start the quitting process?

“Why wait for tomorrow if you can do it today?”

There’s no perfect strategy on successfully quitting marijuana smoking but there is “your way” of saying goodbye to the vicious habit.

The best time is now! If marijuana dependency is a matter of mental willingness then do it with a firm goal in mind and with a determined heart. If you keep on saying that you’ll quit tomorrow, then you will never be able to quit. Start today, start right now before it’s too late.

Check the internet for information regarding the health and social consequence of marijuana smoking. Do you want to be like that? Do you want to be part of the growing community of people who can’t sleep without smoking, who can’t focus on their crafts and improve their skills, and who can’t function fully due to being always high on marijuana?

If it’s not enough, find an inspiration whether it’s your family or your friends or your goals. There are numerous celebrities out there who successfully conquered marijuana dependency. Look up to their achievement and promise yourself that you want to do it better than them.

Give yourself an ultimatum. There’s no right time to stop marijuana smoking but there’s always a time for you to quit. Find a way out and don’t ever go back to that hole that almost took your sanity, life, and future.