Will I be happier if I follow a new year’s resolution to quit smoking weed?

A New Year resolution is a list of the things that you want to achieve in the incoming year. It shares the same concept as the sensational bucket list. Whatever you call it, it’s still the same thing. A goal list that motivates you to achieve it before the incoming year ends. The things listed are often the most difficult to achieve that’s why you need a motivation or a reminder to keep working and strive harder to achieve your goal/s for you new year’s resolution lists.

Now, to answer the question on whether or not you’ll be happier if you follow a new year’s resolution to quit smoking weed; the answer depends on you. Does the decision of quitting marijuana smoking your choice? Do you have the heart to eliminate such vicious habit? The choice is yours to make!

If you’re quitting marijuana because someone told you to do so or forced you, then do not! Leaving a habit should be a personal choice. Are you prepared to undergo into the agonizing pain of withdrawal symptoms just for the sake of other people? Quit marijuana smoking for yourself. Do it for your goals. Do it for your future and spare your life from the misery that awaits due to marijuana dependency.

The debate regarding medical marijuana is still ongoing. If you are undecided whether to stop or not, then think it over because a halfhearted decision will end up in failure.

Ask yourself whether you’re doing it for pleasure or for medical reasons. Assess your life whether it’s helping you or damaging your future. And finally, be true to yourself, do you really want to quit or you want to stay?

Assistance and support are available to marijuana quitters but it is only available if you need and want their help. Make sure that when you finally say no, then the decision is final and irrevocable.

Does New Year’s Resolution Help?

A New Year’s Resolution might help those people who want to quit, and by saying want, they indeed have a made up mind and a determined heart. Just like our usual new year’s resolution, you can write your goals that you want to achieve within the year and make sure to put it in a place where you can see it every morning just like your bedside table, door or on the door of your fridge.

It will serve as a reminder and motivation not to smoke ever. Seeing it at the start of your day will act as a mental note and if ever you feel the urge to smoke, eat, chew a gum or keep your mouth busy with other things. Other people occupy their mind in work and finds a productive hobby.

Drinking more than 8 glasses of water every day helps hasten the detoxifying process so make it a habit of keeping yourself hydrated. Eat vegetables and fruits and support your muscles with protein enriched foods. Keep your body healthy because you need to replenish and re-instate your normal body health after marijuana abuse.

And finally, when you successfully achieve your New Year’s resolution, then you’ll surely be happy with your decision. Start today, learn discipline and focus on your goals and your future.