Step-by-Step Plan to Quit Smoking Weed Without Missing It

If you are a pot-head wanting to lead a healthy life and is ready to leave weed behind, then this article is absolutely for you. This will provide you a step by step plan to quit smoking weed without missing it so better keep reading on.

The first thing that you will need to do to quit is to find a hobby that will keep you pre-occupied during down time. The option is limitless. Find something that you love to do which can help you pass time and deviate your mind from smoking weed. It can be gardening, learning to cook, or even taking in a part time job. Not only you are able to forget smoking weed, you also learn new things that you are capable of doing and begin to feel a sense of worth.

Second thing you need to do is find friends that are clean and sober. As they say, birds of the same feathers flock together. So, if you stay with your peers who are hooked into weeds then you are most likely not able to achieve soberness. Find new friends that use their free time in doing productive and healthy routines such are those into sports. This will not only help you quit smoking weed but will also help you regain a healthier body.

Third step would be investing your money. Instead of keeping an excessively stash of cash in your pocket, put it in a bank or invest it on stocks and bond. Not only you prevent yourself from spending hard earned money to buy weeds, but you are also able to increase your money’s worth when you start to invest it.

Fourth step is to undergo a physical exam. Have yourself checked so you get an insight as to how your body has deteriorated from smoking weed. This will serve as an eye opener and will help you become more focused when you plan to quit smoking weed.

Last step is to alter your disposition and think about the people that loves you. Take time to internalize and realize at how much you are hurting the people around you by letting them witness you destroying your very own life. Think about the heartache that your parents are experiencing every time they see you fidgeting because you are having a relapse. Think about your children’s future and how you will not be able to see them grow simply because your body gets weakened by your daily abuse of smoking weed. Contemplate on the quality of life you are living and anticipate at how short you are able to enjoy a good, quality life.

If you are having a hard time to quit smoking weed, just think about those people that love you and ask yourself if you still want to spend a lifetime with them happily, without hitches. The road to quitting weed is not easy but if you are determined to becoming sober nothing and no one can get in the way so start living a healthier life and quit smoking weed today.