How to Quit Smoking Weed ASAP at 18, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, or 35 Weeks Pregnant

Drug addiction and pregnancy is a serious issue to tackle. When a woman struggles with smoking weed while she’s pregnant, that would primarily affect her baby. In addition, smoking can give devastating effects on the baby’s physical form when he’s born. So, if you want to bear a healthy child in your womb, you need to know how to quit smoking weed ASAP at 18, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, or 35 weeks pregnant. It will help you understand how dangerous it is to smoke weed during pregnancy.

Risks When a Pregnant Woman Smokes Weed

When you take illegal drugs including marijuana while you’re conceiving, you and your baby’s health is certainly at risk. Here are some of the health issues you will encounter when you smoke weed:

  • Hepatitis
  • Skin infections
  • Heart and blood infections
  • Anemia
  • Other communicable diseases

To avoid these, there are available measures for you to follow so you can protect your baby from health risks and potential deformities. Marijuana is said to cause behavioral problems in your child while other dangerous drugs give even stillbirth and premature delivery. Of course, no mother would want this to happen to her beloved child.

Ways to Stop Smoking Weed during Pregnancy

If you’re between 18 and 35 weeks pregnant, you can help yourself quit smoking weed for the sake of your newborn. One way is to get an addiction treatment program or addiction counseling. A doctor will explain to you the risks of smoking weed during pregnancy and provide you with tips on how to stop smoking as soon as possible. Below are helpful insights on how to quit smoking weed ASAP at 18, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, or 35 weeks pregnant:

  • A great support system from family members and health professionals is the best thing. Of course, it would be hard for the mom to just quit smoking like that when she’s used to it for years.
  • Be open about your condition with your attending physician or ob-gynecologist. That way, they can give you support and tips on how to quit asap.
  • Some clinic offers quit package and specialized counselors to guide you in quitting weed during pregnancy. It’s not an easy process but if you will cooperate, everything will surely be fine in the end.
  • Be mindful of your child’s needs like drinking milk, taking prescribed meds, and getting enough sleep. Focus more on what you need to do than your own pleasure.
  • Halt your weed-smoking habit through “cold turkey”. This is an excellent plan if you want to get quick results. However, you have to stick with the pan to effectively stop smoking.

You can always ask for a medical aid so you will be well guided in your goal to quickly stop smoking weed as you conceive your child. Just keep your baby’s health and well-being in mind and you can surely do it.