Should I quit smoking weed during pregnancy? How to stop cannabis during pregnancy?

“Should I quit smoking weed during pregnancy?” and “How to stop cannabis during pregnancy?” are often the questions of pregnant women under weed treatment. The first concern should be if weed can really be harmful or not to them and if how weed can harm them.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, pot, bud, and weed, is a controversial drug worldwide. Its effect affects mentality and nerves, such as euphoria and relaxation. It was primarily used as treatment for certain diseases, but eventually became one of the most abused drugs. Some countries (e.g. Philippines) consider using it as illegal while others (e.g. some states in the US) do not.

Weed is sometimes recommended to those pregnant women with anxiety, morning sickness, and loss of appetite. Since all the pregnant women smoking weed are assumed to be former cigarette smokers, smoking is generally not advised for them. However, the debate allowing them to smoke weed is still ongoing.

Regardless, pregnant women are still very fragile. Their actions, consumptions, and even topical applications can affect the baby. According to statistical studies, smoking weed during pregnancy may, may not, or indirectly result to birth defects. It is proven though that daily or weekly use of marijuana can increase the child’s health risk and that these babies are usually born premature.

There are also assumed long term effects of babies born on mothers using marijuana. According to studies, these children have cognitive and behavioral issues than children born on non-smoking mothers. Laboratory tests on mice were conducted to observe the effects of marijuana in the nervous system. These mice had changes in their brain cells which are believed to cause the cognitive and behavioral issues of children with weed-smoking mothers. Heart rate changes and structural abnormalities were also reported.

Tetrahydrocarbinol, the chemical component of marijuana, no matter how it is consumed, is harmful to the child since it can easily cross the placenta. Smoking, inhaling, drinking, and oral intake of marijuana cause the same health risks for both the child and the mother.

“Should I quit smoking weed during pregnancy?” There is no conformational study for the effects of marijuana on the fetus since it is against the morality to conduct experiment in exchange for a baby’s life. However, it should be imprinted in the minds and hearts of the mothers that to be on the safe side, what can cause harm to the body can also harm the child. Also, since there are issues and assumptions, it’s better not to get engaged with weed.

How to stop cannabis during pregnancy? If the mother experiences morning sickness and other pregnant-related issues, there are other better remedies than marijuana. The doctor should just be consulted with all of the concerns and doubts ensure the health of the child.

Same as with smoking and drinking alcohol, using marijuana should be prevented by pregnant women. All of the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle should not be adapted by them. For nine months of carrying the baby, the mother should restrain from engaging in any previous unhealthy routines if there are any.

If the mother is healthy then so is the baby. It is a mother’s responsibility to stay safe and healthy for her baby. It is extremely important for pregnant women to be aware of their health status and behavior because a riskless delivery will always be the best.