What to expect in a quit smoking cannabis timeline?

Cleansing your body of toxins and other harmful substances is always easier said than done. In the case of marijuana, many people always tell that there are no psychological impacts to the body once you stop using it. But the actual people who have become dependent on the substance had their own shares of several withdrawal symptoms when they started to quit smoking weed.

The first thing that is hit by the withdrawal from marijuana are the emotional and mental changes. Some people do not experience withdrawal symptoms but others still do. Some only experience very minor discomfort and some feel none at all.

The Long Lasting Effect of Marijuana in the Body

THC, the active component of marijuana, attaches itself to the fat cells once a person takes in marijuana. This is the main reason why marijuana takes a longer time to be cleared from the body. Unlike water soluble drugs, THC stays in the body for several more months before it fully gets flushed out.

The Withdrawal Symptoms

You better watch out for these withdrawal symptoms because they can hit any person emotionally or physically once they quit smoking weed.

Emotional Effects:

  • Insomnia

This is the most common side effect in in the brain functions for individuals who started quitting marijuana. Some individuals experience a few nights with disrupted sleep up to no sleep at all. This normally last a few days up to a couple of weeks but some experience it for several months.

  • Depression

Because the sudden relaxing feeling is gone, the tendency of the brain is to look for it. And if the brain does not find it, it results to a very downing feeling.

  • Nightmares and Vivid Dreams

This is when nightmares become so realistic that you won’t easily tell what is real and what is not. Marijuana abuse affects the dreaming mechanism of the body. Once a person stops using marijuana, the dreams start to come back but in a much altered way. They are very vivid and when you wake up from a dream, your brain automatically puts you back to it once you go back to sleep.

  • Anger

Along with depression is anger when a cannabis-dependent person stops using marijuana. This withdrawal symptom can be a slow building rage or an instant outburst of emotions. This is very common to people who suddenly lost the calming effects of marijuana in their body.

Physical Effects:

  • Headache

This can last from a few days, weeks, or months with the first few days having the worst experience.

  • Night Sweats

This is also very common to people who stopped using marijuana. The sweating is so intense that they have to change clothes several times at night because the sweating is so intense. This is the body’s way to release the toxins and can last up to a month.

  • Eating Problems

A lot of people experience this problem once they stopped using marijuana. The loss of appetite is the most evident symptom that can last up to a month.

  • Tremors

Shaking hands and dizziness is also expected once a person stops taking in marijuana.