Quitting Smoking Weed Cause Me to Have Weird Crazy Vivid Dreams and Now Nightmares! Now What?

Insomnia and other sleep disorders are common withdrawal symptoms if a person quits smoking weed. Insomnia is a sleep disorder wherein a person has difficulty sleeping, either falling asleep or staying asleep. A person going through restless nights may experience anxiety and other mood disorders due to their body’s lack of sleep.

Someone who is not rested well may also be irritable and anxious. Going through change is difficult enough, but having to go through withdrawals can sometimes be overbearing. It is most likely that a person who has recently quit smoking weed would end up going through a lot of thoughts and uncertainties. This is a difficult phase, and this might also become the reason for vivid dreams and nightmares.

Getting through your withdrawals all day and getting no rest during the night is literally a nightmare. Not only is it physically unhealthy, but it also is emotionally draining. Yes! There are medications for insomnia, but these aren’t always recommended and most people would rather stay away from further medicating themselves.

So, what can you do to induce sleep naturally?

  • Just before going to bed, try to relax your mind. Don’t think about problems and don’t think about what you’re going through. Take your mind off anything, you can listen to music or read as long as it takes your mind off of what usually bothers you.
  • Always be positive! Going through withdrawals after you quit smoking weed is not easy, but often think about the positive side of what you are going through. This will veer you away from spiraling into depression that may cause nightmares and panic attacks that can wake you during sleep.
  • Avoid food that can alter your mood such as coffee and chocolates. Coffee has caffeine that can keep you awake all day and even all night. Chocolates can also keep you awake as well as energy drinks. It is best to eat healthy food during your rehabilitation to flush out toxins and get through your withdrawals fast.
  • Be fit and exercise. Keeping your body fit and exercising can help you during this period. When you exercise your body can heal faster and adjust to your new lifestyle. Withdrawal is an effect of chemical and hormonal imbalance, with the chronic use of marijuana the body has gotten used to the substance that without it the body simply is not balanced or cannot function normally. But our body can heal by flushing toxins out of our system and exercising can boost this healing process.
  • Communicate! Talk to your friends and family about the things you worry about. Find a sponsor or someone you can trust and talk to them. This can help you overcome worries and fears. Keeping all your emotions and thoughts inside might be causing your nightmares. Dreams are a part of our subconscious mind. They are thoughts that come from within us and by releasing these thoughts, they will no longer haunt your dreams.