Best Easy Ways to Quit Smoking Weed and Beat Nicotine Addiction – Here are the steps!

DECIDE! Make sure you are up to it.

Be certain that you want to stop smoking and change for the better. No one can force you to quit smoking weed. Others can force you to go to rehab and change, but if you are not willing to make the change then the outcome would surely be a nightmare of repeated failures and relapse.

ACCEPTANCE! Know important facts and details of what lies ahead.

Accept and take control of the things that come when you quit smoking weed. Withdrawals are difficult, but it is best to understand and accept those consequences. Bear in mind that these roadblocks and difficulties would pass. Going through them would be easier if you can prepare and know how to handle them ahead of time.

PREPARE yourself and your environment.

Throw away all your paraphernalia, kits and all other things that you were using for smoking weed. Regardless of how sentimental certain things are to you, never forget that your life is more important than those material things. Keep away from places that would remind you of smoking weed. Keep away from friends who smoke weed. This might be difficult but it is a necessary step in order to control your cravings.

TALK things over with someone you trust.

You can join support groups or you can look for a sponsor. Sponsors are a great help, these people have been through what you are going through. They would be able to understand your sentiments and can help you make the people you love understand your journey clearly.

You can also go to healthcare professionals for medication and therapy. These medications would help you get through your withdrawals. They can also help you during your detox. Detoxifying your body is important especially for rehabilitation from substance abuse. There are many ways to detoxify your body but it is better to seek for professional help to ensure your health

CHANGE your activities and routine.

Exercise more to keep you going and help your body heal itself. Exercise can keep your body as well as your mind healthy. By exercising and sweating, your body can release toxins easier and faster. With toxins flushed out of your body, withdrawals would disappear more quickly.

KEEP yourself busy.

Doing different and new activities would keep your mind busy. This would veer your mind away from thinking too much about your withdrawals and your cravings. This can also open your eyes to new possibilities for the near future. It is best to think about positive things to come while undergoing rehabilitation. This can help you motivate yourself more instead of succumbing to depression, anxiety and fear.

Kicking the habit of smoking is not easy. But you can definitely fight this addiction as long as you are motivated to quit smoking weed. Of course there is always a fear of failing but nothing is impossible if you truly want to achieve something for the better. Not only for yourself but also for the people you love.