Will stopping my synthetic cannabis addiction cause depression and anxiety attacks?

Withdrawal from any form of addiction causes sadness. As soon as the deed goes away, the feeling of depravity strikes. That feeling of being deprived further spurs loneliness, causing the person to become depressed. While cannabis has been widely and legally used as medicine, people keep it for so many reasons. What made them start abusing it in the first place?

They say it’s an effective escape and gives them that temporary feeling of high and bliss. Some out of curiosity, while others needed something to relieve them from peer pressure, personal insecurities, and family issues. Cannabis has aided them to get through almost all sorts of difficulties. It has become an addictive getaway, that separation from it becomes so depressing. Where’s the old friend when you needed him the most?

Medical studies reveal that this is what happens during the early phases of post-drugs. Symptoms may last up to a week or months. Beyond physical dependence, psychological effects are more challenging. Doctors advise taking anti-depressants as this is an onset most critical.

States of anxiety are worse, being one of the most complained about symptom of those attempting to quit. This is generally coming from the stress the human brain is experiencing. A person, once addicted, has already a developed habit of having a dose of cannabis as often as he likes. The urge becomes automatic, as this was how he has fed his brain for a long time. The circuit of neurons are wired, with one region of the brain in charge of the gratification, and the other for the excitatory factor.

Once this system changes, the brain spurs from the shift causing anxiety. At this point, the impulse of using the substance and the opposing willingness to stop is rendering the struggle. For some who have been using cannabis to mask their anxiety, this can be a tiring process. Resolutions can be so tricky, qualifying rehabilitation centers and professional advice necessary.

With the right resources and proper pacing, an addict can navigate through the renewal process less roughly. It’s never easy. Synthetic or not, the effects of cannabis are as harmful when withdrawn. While the absence of the real herbs distinguishes it from the real one, both are sources of life-threatening addiction that can be very challenging. A person who has been isolated from it will experience numerous effects and symptoms. Emotionally, depression and anxiety attacks top the list. Other effects include constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, loss of appetite and weight loss.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Let a doctor talk to you and discuss what’s really happening inside your body. Have them make a program to consider the pace you can tolerate. The more you understand, the more likely you’ll be able to succeed. Support networks are also beneficial. It’s a great thing to have someone you can completely relate with, whom you won’t be ashamed to share all your struggles. Remember that coping with stress requires a strong mindset. Gather some companions around you.