How To Actually Quit Smoking Weed Once In For All with No Motivation

The chronic use of marijuana is an addiction. In any case of substance abuse, motivation is the key in-order to kick back the habit. For a person to quit smoking weed, the person should be motivated and is willing to accept the changes they have to go through.

Quitting this habit without any motivation is similar to doing something without a reason or purpose. People who usually quit smoking weed just for the sake of quitting typically ends up slipping back to the habit. This is why motivation is important for curing addiction especially substance abuse.

It is not difficult to motivate someone into changing bad habits, all they need is proper guidance, assurance and acceptance. Forcing someone to do so will only cause the person to relapse over and over again. Frequent relapse would further diminish the person’s integrity and self-worth. They may feel more down and distant for failing to quit their bad cannabis habits.

In guiding someone into changing and starting the process, it is important to get your facts straight. It is important to know the bad things that can happen to them if they do not quit smoking weed.

It is also important to know the person’s background and what the person has gone through. Addiction is a disease, a chronic user would find tons and tons of reason to contradict what you tell them. Knowing about the bad effects of smoking weed and understanding the person’s history and problems will enable you to find the right way of communicating with them.

Assuring the person that change is for the better will also motivate them to quit smoking weed. There are a lot of people who fear change and who stick to their routines because of this fear. Assuring someone that good and life changing things may come as long as they stick to their decision would definitely motivate them to completely change.

No one wants to be alone, especially the ones who are going through rough times, but making positive changes in their life. The best kind of help you can provide them with is by simply being there—showing that you care and believe in their ability to change. Rehabilitation centers also practice this, they give sponsors to people undergoing rehabilitation for support and guidance.

Acceptance is one of the most important keys in motivating someone into changing or to quit smoking weed. It is important that the person feels accepted and understood in-order for the person to move on and move forward. Getting over an addiction also comes with the fear of social rejection.

The person undergoing change should also embrace acceptance. To accept their decision and to accept the changes and everything that comes with it. This is important in order to avoid depression and anxiety, this may be a common withdrawal symptom from people who recently quit smoking weed but for a person who has accepted such changes in their lives would most definitely get over their depression and anxiety easily.