Should I Stop Smoking Weed Zippy for High School or Right Now for College?

Because of its relative accessibility, affordability, and safety, marijuana is considered as the most accessible substance out there. Known to be effective for treating particular health conditions, it is also equally popular as a recreational substance. Statistics show that there are even minors who are currently smoking weed. This is problematic in the sense that this can easily develop into an addition, plus they are more prone to inappropriate acts while under the influence. A minor once asked me this: should I stop smoking weed zippy for high school or right now for college? There is a simple way to answer this question, as well as a longer and more detailed one.

If you are a young person who has been smoking weed, you can benefit from stopping your smoking habit as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter what year level you are in at school; you can benefit right away from stopping the habit. For one, you will reverse some of the physical and psychological effects that regular weed smoking causes in your body. For another, you are freeing yourself from the potential legal implications of your habit. To make the long story short, you have a lot to gain for quitting weed as soon as possible.

For informational purposes, here are some of the reasons why stopping in smoking weed can help you, whether you are in high school or college:

1) It improves your mental function

When studying, you will need 100% of your mental faculties for optimal performance. And while there are people who swear that they perform better in school when they are high, science would tell you that weed smoking will drag down your mental prowess rather than boost it. Putting the weed down will help you get much-needed mental clarity immediately.

2) It protects your lungs and other organs

Much has been said on how the use of cigarettes is dangerous to your health. When you are smoking weed, you are opening yourself up to those same complications. Acute and chronic exposure to weed smoke will damage your lungs. Also, smoking releases toxins that stick to different parts of your body, with some of them being carcinogenic.

3) It helps you avoid legal troubles

While there is a current legal struggle regarding marijuana use, it is still problematic to have possession of marijuana in most places worldwide. Stopping your smoking habit will help you save yourself from all kinds of legal headaches, even if you are still a minor. Possession of marijuana, and most especially being caught under the influence of it, are offenses that may cause legal action against you.

So should I stop smoking weed zippy for high school or right now for college? Absolutely yes. Its positive effects go beyond just securing your enrollment at your target high school or college and get closer to finishing your education. Quitting this habit can go a long way in improving your physical and mental health. Also, even as a young person, you cannot afford having a criminal record under your name.