Should I quit smoking weed to lose weight? Will I gain weight after I stop?

If you are planning to quit smoking to lose weight, then that’s not an option because quitting marijuana use may not help you decrease your weight but rather boosts appetite which may result in weight gain. Here are the reasons why quitters have higher chances of gaining weight after cessation of marijuana use.

Nicotine in Marijuana suppresses appetite

Marijuana is a suppressant and one of its effects in the body is suppressed appetite. So instead of snacking in between meals, smokers tend to light a quarter and fulfill their urge to stuff something into their mouth.

Secondly, Marijuana is a stimulant and is directly related to insulin production. Marijuana may inhibit the production of insulin in the body which in turn, may cause hyperglycemia and an interference in the brain’s normal functioning may occur which may result in brain’s inability to send signals including hunger instincts.

Therefore, cessation of marijuana use may boost your appetite and which will then result in weight gain.

Quitters tend to replace marijuana with food.

You may notice that smokers tend to smoke instead of taking snacks and when ex-smokers quit, they tend to use food as a replacement for their marijuana habit so they indulge to binge eating which will then result in weight gain.

Old habits die hard! This concept works the same with marijuana cessation. Your body will crave for nicotine, your system will beseech the hand to mouth action and your appetite will get the best of you and at the end, you will choose food as a way to satisfy the urge.

Marijuana may stimulate appetite

Marijuana smoking triggers overeating because the active components in marijuana mimic the proper functioning of endogenous cannabinoid system which results to hormone overdrive that directly affects the appetite. Since most marijuana smoker keeps on continuing the cycle, the hormones in the brain remain on overdrive as well boosting the person’s craving for food.

Marijuana Enhances Metabolism

Marijuana smoking may burn 200 calories per day but it varies depending on the extent of dependency. As we all know, the amount of calorie burnt in the body each day affects the speed of metabolism and in the case of marijuana smokers, their metabolism speeds up relatively which results in weight loss.

How to Avoid Weight Gain When Quitting Marijuana

Be Conscious on What You Consume

Don’t starve yourself or resist the urge to eat. Rather, eat healthy foods and snacks like vegetables, high protein meat products, fresh fruits, low-fat yogurt, and other healthy snacks. Drink lots of water to help hasten the elimination process of marijuana-induced toxins in your body.


Exercise triggers serotonin release which makes you feel good. Plus, it will help you get away with your cravings while keeping your weight normal and your body healthy.

Say No to Alcohol

Alcohol often triggers marijuana smoking by suppressing your inhibitions. It also contains high caloric content and regular consumption may lead to weight gain. Do not let your hard work go to waste, don’t dare drink alcohol at the early phase of your quitting program.