Best techniques to quit smoking weed temporarily for the third trimester

Smoking weed is highly prohibited during pregnancy but due to uncontrollable forces, pregnant women tend to continue their habit just before they enter into their 3rd trimester. Bur what happens during the 3rds trimester?

During the third trimester of pregnancy, the mother is highly discouraged from smoking marijuana for its neo-natal health issues and possible health issues to the mother as well.

Pregnant women may experience withdrawal symptoms plus the bearing is doubled because the hormone change caused by pregnancy may also add to the picture. But here are a list of non-synthetic and natural ways to make your life here bearable.

Essential Oils

Since the cravings are all psychological, having a calm mind can help ease the urge and strengthen your resistance against relapse. Essential oils are famous for being mind relaxers and for cold turkey quitters, you may use this to pull back the urge to smoke whenever you feel like the gut feel and the cravings are starting to get the best of you. All you need is to mix eucalyptus essential oil with lemon and black pepper. If you feel that you need to light up, then hit this natural mixture instead by inhaling deeply, savor the satisfying aroma and blend then exhale slowly.


It has an antioxidant property which eliminates free radicals including the toxins that marijuana emitted in the body and hasten the process of nicotine eliminating process. It also boosts your immune system so you and your baby are safe from potential infections. Remember, your body craves for marijuana because your system is used to it and unless the toxins has been eliminated, until then you’ll feel the craving. Pregnant women will get more healthy benefits from lime like its alkalinizing factors that helps moderate the normally acidic tissues among marijuana users. It also contains anti-infective agents which helps the body combat different strains of E coli bacteria.


You need to exercise especially after quitting marijuana smoking to regain your body’s normal functioning. Exercise will also speed up the excretion of all marijuana induced toxins. For pregnant women on their last trimester, you may still do your exercise routine or adapt a new routine that suits with your condition. As long as you are not having a critical pregnancy, you may still run/ jog or if not possible, brisk walking will do. You may also do squats and other core muscle exercise but make sure to consult your doctor first before trying. Yoga may also be a good exercise as it helps calm your mind, strengthen your emotional aspects and improve your overall well-being but make sure to do uncomplicated poses. Exercise will help you get your mind off of the quitting process, calm your disposition and improve sleep quality.

Water Therapy

Water helps expels the toxins away from the body through excretions and in quitting marijuana, you need to be on a healthy water therapy to quicken the eliminating process of marijuana toxins from the body. Water also helps rehydrate the cells, tissues and other organs since marijuana smoking directly causes dehydration.


The urge to smoke is a stress and what do we do when we’re under a lot of stress? We tend to use self-massage techniques to calm the mind and regulate mind activity.